#30154 - Still during this briefing, I still could not help but to zone out on my girl who meet me in the palace so I zone out on her beautiful body and thinking of her in zero g and thinking of her tight and wet pussy throbbing around my rock hard cock and think of our juices mixing. Ok contact the surface and request our usually landing pad and bring the arch angel down and lets help get our guest a new ship what do ya say ? I think that is a good idea sir and permission granted royal pad secured and wait our arrival and now 45 sec until landing sir. Yes sir they say and they ship banks to the right and we make a 180 degree turn and go into jump just above the planet and within seconds we are 50 light years away from archonia then the message finally comes in full and shows the details and it will be hard since it involves a species that we encountered earlier known as anulians and the part that’s gunna be trouble is a large group of voidian rebels that has left the voidian empire and I
Most commented on Costume COMIC HimeKuri 2004-07 Foreplay