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#81395 - He opened the padlocked door to his pigeon loft and we walked in, there were feathers everywhere, rebel had been to get to the pigeons and had some success with about six of them, dad went crazy, he grabbed rebel by the collar and shook him hard, he put his lead on and shouted that’s fucking enough that’s the last he will harm my birds, I took it he meant to put the dog down. After some food he chatted away as normal and said we could maybe try rebel at home, but only if mum agreed, and that the first sign of rebel even trying to bite anyone, then he was gone, I agreed to this making all sorts of promises to walk, train, and bathe him, dad laughed and said ye ye we will see how long that will last. Thank you for taking the time to read this story and hopefully you might want an other instalment of it.

Read Office Sex Eikou aru Kotenbu no Netorare Fujun Isei Kouyuu - Hyouka Comedor Eikou aru Kotenbu no Netorare Fujun Isei Kouyuu

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