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#395652 - The three of them jump up and down in joy. The three of them start getting drunk, they started having a drinking contest and of course Gerald won. Each was wondering what would happen now, since they finally learned what happened to Winter’s Master.

Read Flexible Gakkou Gaeri no Kayoizuma Yusa Kozue | 放学归途的妻子游佐梢 - The idolmaster Stepsis Gakkou Gaeri no Kayoizuma Yusa Kozue | 放学归途的妻子游佐梢

Most commented on Flexible Gakkou Gaeri no Kayoizuma Yusa Kozue | 放学归途的妻子游佐梢 - The idolmaster Stepsis

Nu wa
I just bursted out laughing when she slapped her own tits
Chihiro fushimi
That ass doe